Friday, October 22, 2010

It's election time

All of  you out there who are old enough to vote (that's sort of funny, since the only ones not old enough to vote are either my students or my grandchildren :), don't forget to VOTE!  Even if you think your vote won't count, it will.  There are so many congressional seats, as well as a few governor's up for re-election, that if we want to take back that which was taken from us in 2008 (it wasn't really taken from us, we gave it away with our lack of voting, or who we voted for).  Anyway, let's do what we, as Americans have been able to do because we are a for those we want to have represent us.  I'm concerned about our financial future and the future of my children and grandchildren.  I know I must sound like Glenn Beck or Hannity, or Limbaugh, but I'm ok with that. 

1 comment:

Benito said...

I'm not ok with that Glenn Beck and Rush are Nazis leading you guys astray. This is exactly what happened to Germany back in the 30's and everybody or alot of people went along with it so its important to understand what these people are truly saying and not agree with them just because they are mormon at least Beck is, but he's a little off his rocker.