Friday, July 10, 2009

No camera, no phone...

I think we are becoming more and more dependent on our ability to talk to anyone, anytime through the use of our cell phones. I found that out today when we went to the beach, near Portsmouth, NH. First of all I forgot my camera (just great when you are on vacation, and going to the beach with your family). I brought my cell phone, but there was no connection out that far. I didn't think we were actually out that far out (east, that is). Erin's phone had no connection, either, and Jenny left hers at home. If I can get any pictures from Erin's camera, I'll post them here. Back to the phone issue...I really felt weirded out, not being able to contact Bill, but happily Jenny and Adam and Erin and Jesse and the grandkids all kept me company!

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