Thursday, March 4, 2010

17 Hours and Counting

I just finished grading my second to last class of Research Papers and I truly think 1/2 of my students tune me out when I give them instructions on how to do a simple Power Point Research Paper.  All I want is that they learn how to do research, evaluate reliable sources, do parenthetical citations, and put a dang heading on their introductions.  Some of the kids did everything correct, or close to it, but there were those that sleepwalked through the entire three week unit.
We're heading to Southern California Saturday morning, and will return Wed. afternoon.  Bill wants to drive to Mark Harmon's home (star of NCIS), but I'm sort of afraid he may actually get out of the car and attempt to knock on his door, or something equally as embarrassing.  Maybe I could convince him to go on one of those star tour buses, and I'll go to the mall or IKEA.  You can count on me taking many pictures of our adventures, so stay tuned!

I should probably charge IKEA for advertising their logo here on my blog.  Not a bad way to make a little extra money.

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