Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I look like a fly!

Ever watch any of those old corny "B" movies that were considered horror movies?  I think there was one called The Fly, and I've decided I kind of resemble The Fly.  My right eye had lasiks today, and they taped a plastic cup to protect it.  It's got a bunch holes in it, which makes it look like the eye of a fly.  This surgery was harder than the other two.  After they had me lie down on the gurney, they handed me a yellow stuffed ducky to hold.  Why the heck did I need a stuffed ducky?  The doc said I may need to squeeze it during the procedure.  WHY?  Well, they wheeled me under the machine, and, as I was awake, scraped my cornea.  Yeah, they put in numbing drops, but just the image of what they were doing was eerie. They also put a contact lens over the eye, for a week, to help in the healing.  Oh joy, I thought I was getting away from contacts.
Then I had to stare straight into the red laser beam for a few minutes while they did their thing.  They gave me a tranquilizer prior to the surgery to relax me, but let me tell you, that ducky got the squeeze of his stuffed life!
OK, blog finished...no more whining.

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