Saturday, January 22, 2011

What's with Facebook?

It's kind of funny...when I finally got around to writing our Blog (a couple of years ago), I really enjoyed it.  NOW, everyone is using Facebook, and hardly anyone updates their Blogs.  I like to Blog, and know that only my family (and few select friends) will read it.  It's also a way for me to journal what's going on with our life. On Facebook, there are really entirely too many people.  I know, only those that you select can see your entries, but  it doesn't allow me to ramble on about something.  There may be many who appreciate the brevity of Facebook, but not me.
And, I finally learned how to import pictures, etc. and I don't really think I want to put many of those pictures up on Facebook.

I guess I'm just stuck in the Blogging time warp, and, frankly, I enjoy it.
Today Bill and I are going to take Kevin and Katie to see Ashley finish her 1/2 Marathon.  I'm planning on taking some pictures, so maybe I'll post them on my Blog.
Last night Pine View won their first conference Basketball game.  Yay!  It's kind of hard to be on the loosing end of a game, especially when we usually win.

1 comment:

Mariah and Jeremy said...

I agree Nancy! Facebook is pretty annoying! I don't do much of my blog anymore, because it seems like it is easier, but I would rather get back to my blog instead. Let's boycott facebook!!! :) haha, I don't even think that anyone would even notice, that's how lame it is.