Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm Getting Old

This is probably not a surprise to anyone, but I am getting old.  Inside (except when I've been sick, which has been a couple of times in the past month) I sort of feel like I did when I was a teenager.  Just ask Mandy or Bill when I get on one of my silly kicks. Seriously, there are times when I feel like my insides are battling my old, decrepit outside.  I do need to take advantage of our gym membership, walk, eat right (remember my "no sugar/candy" diet?) AND,(notice the big AND) get more sleep.  This is Bill's big admonition to me. 

I fear he is right, because right now, if I didn't have my prep period, I would fall asleep in front of my class.

 This is what I really feel cares in the world, nothing fits (even the chair), and sound asleep!

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