American Idol is finally over! I watched it all this season, and now I sort of feel like it was a waste of time. I really liked Crystal Bowersox, and of course, she didn't win. She's an amazing singer, and I'm sure she'll do just fine without the title. Now I have to focus my efforts on "So You Think You Can Dance." Can't you tell school's over? Bill and I are leaving for Portland this Saturday for a visit with my mom, Ben, Becca, Kathy, Doug, etc. Bill's just staying for a week (I'm sure he'll get tired of dinking around Portland while I spend time with mom), so I told him he could head on home, and I'll fly back a week later. The good thing is, Bill loves to drive, and this will give him an opportunity to see a bit more of the countryside (Oregon, Nevada). I'm looking forward to the trip, and will relish the time away from the classroom.
We had graduation this afternoon, and it took 2 hours! When the Valedictorians (2), principal, and the student body president spoke, plus a few musical numbers, we thought the kids would walk, and off we'd be. But no, the president of the school board decided to speak, also, and he was boring. I thought it would be funny if we (teachers on the stage) all began texting one another, while the program went on. I say turn about is fair play, since our "former" students always seemed to enjoy texting while we lectured in class, but we chickened out. You can't win them all.
Favorite Picture Ever!
This picture is from Christmas and I just love it! It cracks me up how the
girls are both looking up at Will and he is totally oblivious. We took a
bunch o...
11 years ago