Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Even though my mother doesn't use the computer, much less the internet (I have tried to get her to play solitaire so many times, but she thinks she's too old to learn "new" tricks. ARRRGH!).  Anyway, this Mother's Day message is for my mother and any other mother out there that reads this blog.
I just love being a mom, and I know I learned how valuable being a mom is from my own mother.  She had humor (which I didn't always get until I was older), strictness (which I really needed when I was young), and a couple of other qualities I so admire now that I'm a mother and grandmother.  Even though I don't feel I have mastered them, they're always something I want to achieve before I leave this life.
No mater what anyone of my brothers and I did, she would always love us (yeah, and kick the heck out of us once in a while...not really kick, but you got that feeling you were in trouble...maybe it was just me, my brothers were pretty much perfect). She really hung in there with my father.  He had a demon he had to battle, but my mother just loved him and helped him to overcome.  My mother also forgave, and loved just about everyone, even though they were a different race, economic background, more beautiful than her (just a joke), and only drew the line on people if they were a bad influence on her children.

Here's to you, Mom!

Stay tuned, I have more to add!

I wanted to post pictures of all my kids, and grandkids, but by the time I counted on my fingers and toes exactly how many pictures I needed to find, I was pooped!  I found this cartoon, and thought it was cute, so that will have to do for my Mother's Day post.  

(Kinda cute, huh?)

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