Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2 weeks and counting...

Yes, there's only 2 more weeks left of school, minus graduation, which we all (teachers) have to attend.  That's fine, since I get to hoot and holler at the those that walk across the stage to receive their diplomas.  I'm amazed at some of the graduating seniors, and not in a good way.  How they got their act together to graduate is beyond me.  I guess I should be happy they will be out of the school, and some I will miss a bit.
I'm giving our state "End of Levels" test this week, and it gives me some down time to get caught up on some of my grading.  Bill and I are taking off for Portland the day after our last day, and I'm really looking forward to that.  We'll be gone about a week and a half, but I wish it were longer.  My mother is hanging in there, but she would love to have us as long as possible, and so would I.  We'll see...
I don't have any pictures of any of us to post this time.  I've got to take my camera to Portland, and blog that trip.  Mandy's leaving for Salt Lake this afternoon, which means I'll be alone the rest of the week, since Bill's visiting his siblings, and Adam and Ashley in Phoenix.  He's in Albuquerque today for a couple of days of golfing with his brother...go Bill!  He's heading on down to Tucson after that to visit with his sister, and since Jesse is doing some training at the air base in Tucson, they may get together for dinner one night.  After Tucson, he's heading north to Phoenix to see Adam and the family, and if not California next, he's heading home.  Boy, I sure miss him!
Erin and the kids had a weather scare yesterday.  They had HUGE tornadoes in Oklahoma City and the surrounding area, so I told Erin to get in the car with the kids and head out of Dodge.  They're ok, though.

Back to school stuff.  I just finished our school's literary magazine, Kaleidoscope, and here's a picture of the cover.

I think this is a pretty cool cover.  Too bad I didn't paint it myself.  It was one of our art winners.


Jesse, Erin, and the kids! said...

On my blog I just said that I like Oklahoma City- that it was nice... well, maybe not so much anymore. No thank you Tornadoes! Welp, 5 more weeks till you come back to Texas and take us home with you!! we cannnnnot wait.

Jesse, Erin, and the kids! said...

wait a minute... i keep leaving comments and it's not saving. so this is my 3rd one! I think you have to approve it first. sorry, now i've posted 3. Should I go for a 4th one?

Jesse, Erin, and the kids! said...
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Nancy said...

I'm so cute!